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2020-02-21 17:21:35


当事双方 Parties


Southcorp Brands Pty Ltd (Southcorp) is a subsidiary of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd (TWE), which produces and distributes wine in Australia and overseas. Southcorp owns a large number of Australian trade mark registrations for various TWE wine brands, including the well-known Penfolds brand. Australia Rush Rich Winery Pty Ltd and its related entities (all together referred to as ARRW) comprise an Australian-based winery that sells wines in Australia and exports wines to China.

商标 Trade Marks


• 商标 37674 – Penfolds

• 商标 1762333 – BEN FU (拼音)

• 商标 1762317 - 奔富 (汉字)


• 奔富;

• 奔富酒园;

• 奔富酒庄;

• 澳洲奔富酒庄

• 澳洲奔富 酒庄 (此为本文所讨论的争议商标)

背景信息及纠纷 Background and Issues

起初, 南杜公司应在华经销商建议,根据“奔富”的中文翻译,在1995年将其注册为汉字商标。而作为“奔富”的中文译文或等效,“奔富”这两字也被南杜所注册。原因在于: (1) 说普通话和粤语的人都会将汉字商标“奔富”读作“Bēn Fù”,而其拼音则写作“Bēn Fù”; (2) 在普通话和粤语中,“奔富”和“Penfolds”的发音都极为相似,除此以外,并无它例(3)正因于此,许多说普通话和粤语的人都将“PNEPUDS”直接称呼为“奔富”。

Southcorp initially adopted its Chinese Character Mark in 1995 as a Chinese translation of “Penfolds”, on the recommendation of its distributor in China. The Ben Fu Mark was also registered by Southcorp as a Chinese translation/equivalent of “Penfolds”. This was because: (a) the Chinese Character Mark is pronounced by Mandarin and Cantonese speakers as “Ben Fù” and is written as “Ben Fù” in pinyin (the Roman letter version of Chinese characters based on their pronunciation); (b) the pronunciation of the Chinese Character Mark and “Ben Fù” by Mandarin and Cantonese speakers is phonetically very similar to and approximates to “Penfolds”, which has no other equivalent in Mandarin or Cantonese; and (c) because of the above, many Mandarin and Cantonese speakers refer to the brand “Penfolds” as “Ben Fù”.


The Chinese Character Mark and “Ben Fù” are also widely sed in written and verbal form to refer to the “Penfolds” brand. ARRW used the Disputed Marks on the labels of wines that it sold in Australia and exported to customers in China. All of the Disputed Marks wholly encompass the Chinese Character Mark owned by Southcorp. The other Chinese characters in the Disputed Marks are purely descriptive and translate to either “winery”, “wine park” or “Australia”.


Under s120(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1995 (the Act), a person infringes a registered trade mark if it uses as a trade mark a sign that is substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, the trade mark in relation to the goods for which the trade mark is registered.


In addition, s228 of the Act provides that if a trade mark is applied in Australia to or in relation to goods that are to be exported from Australia, the application of the trade mark is deemed to constitute use of the trade mark in relation to those goods for the purposes of the Act.


Southcorp alleged that use of the Disputed Marks by ARRW on its wine labels infringed each of the Southcorp Marks. ARRW did not appoint sufficient legal representation, nor did ARRW file any submissions despite being provided with opportunities to do so.

而法院审判侵权南杜商标案的关键要点便在于,上述争议商标: (1)是否与南杜商标存在实质性相同或欺骗性相似;以及 (2) 奔富酒园是否将其“作为商标”使用。

Key issues for the Court regarding Southcorp’s infringement claim were whether any of the Disputed Marks: (a) are substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, the Southcorp Marks; and (b) were used by ARRW “as a trade mark”.


Assessment of the Disputed Marks and relevant market


Given that the Disputed Marks were Chinese characters, the Court (Beach J) noted it was important to consider the ordinary signification, pronunciation, transliteration and translation of the Disputed Marks in determining whether they are substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, the Southcorp Marks and whether their use for wine was likely to deceive wine consumers considering the Southcorp Marks.


• 葡萄酒消费者群体中包含众多说普通话和粤语人群;

• 截至2016年6月30日,约52.6万名澳籍居民在中国境内出生,而普通话是澳洲境内最常见的外语,而粤语位列第三;

• 2016年期间,从中国到澳洲的短期游客超过120万人次(相比2006年,增幅为284.1%),而从澳洲到中国的短期游客超过45万人次(相比2006年,增幅为80.6%);

• 中国是澳大利亚葡萄酒行业最重要的出口市场,2017年对华出口葡萄酒总价值约为8.48亿美元(占葡萄酒出口总额的33%)。

Referring to the decision in Canterella Bros Pty Ltd v Modena Trading Pty Ltd [2014] HCA 48, in which the High Court discussed the approach for evaluating the ordinary signification of a word, Beach J confirmed that it was necessary to determine the meaning conveyed by the Disputed Marks to the relevant target market or, in other words, to assess how the Disputed Marks would be understood by wine consumers to which the products were targeted. In assessing the relevant market, Beach J noted the following “significant background facts”:

• consumers of wine include many Mandarin and Cantonese speakers;

• as at 30 June 2016, 526,000 Australian residents had been born in China, with Mandarin being the most common foreign language spoken at home and Cantonese the third most common;

• in 2016, there were over 1.2 million short term visitor arrivals to Australia from China (an increase of 284.1% since 2006) and more than 450,000 short term departures from Australia to China (an increase of 80.6% since 2006); and

• China is the most significant export market for the Australian wine industry – with the value of wine exports to China in 2017 being around $848 million (or 33% of total wine exports).


• 2018财年上半年,富邑在亚洲的净销售收入为2.975亿美元;

• 2015到2016年度中23%的游客、2016到2017年度中26%的游客以及2017/2018年29%的游客来自中国;

• 在奔富马吉尔酒庄的全部游客比例中,约8%的游客为说普通话或粤语的澳洲居民

• 南杜公司聘请会说普通话和粤语的员工,在马吉尔酒庄提供普通话和粤语的单日观光,并在酒庄内贴以普通话标牌。

Southcorp also provided evidence of how important the Mandarin and Cantonese speaking customer base is to Southcorp and TWE, including:

• TWE net sales revenue of $297.5 million in Asia for the first half of the 2018 financial year;

• 23% of visitors in 2015/2016, 26% of visitors in 2016/2017 and 29% of visitors in 2017/2018 to Southcorp’s Magill Estate Cellar Door were from China;

• around 8% of all visitors were Australian residents speaking Mandarin or Cantonese; and

• Southcorp employs Mandarin and Cantonese speaking staff, runs daily tours in Mandarin and Cantonese and uses Mandarin signage at its Magill Estate.


The Court also noted that when assessing if the use of Chinese language marks constitutes trade mark infringement and/or is likely to mislead or deceive relevant consumers, emphasis should be placed on the meaning and pronunciation of the Chinese characters as well as considering the appearance and sound of those characters. Misleading and deceptive conduct could also be established even if the class of potential customers misled or deceived by use of the Disputed Marks was limited to Mandarin and Cantonese speakers only.


Substantial identity and deceptive similarity 


Justice Beach held that that the Disputed Marks were all substantially identical with or deceptively similar to the Southcorp marks. In the case of Southcorp’s Chinese Character Mark, this was on the basis that: (a) two of the Chinese characters used in all of the Disputed Marks (the Conflicting Characters) are identical to the Chinese Character Mark in appearance, sound and meaning; (b) the other characters in all of the Disputed Marks mean “winery”, “wine park” or “Australia” and may be discounted given that they are purely descriptive; (c) the Conflicting Characters were the first two characters used by ARRW on its wine labels and were displayed in bold font; (d) the first part or word/s of a composite mark are generally given prominence when assessing deceptive similarity; and (e) considering the above, the Conflicting Characters, which are identical to Southcorp’s Chinese Character Mark, were the dominant cognitive cue of each of the Disputed Marks and acted to indicate the origin of the products to which the Disputed Marks were applied.


Even though the appearance of the Disputed Marks was not identical with or similar to the Ben Fu Mark, Beach J took the view that the Disputed Marks were still either substantially identical with or deceptively similar to the Ben Fu Mark because: (a) the Conflicting Characters are pronounced and written by Mandarin and Cantonese speakers as “Ben Fu”; (b) use of the Conflicting Characters is effectively a “wholesale aural reproduction” of the Ben Fu Mark; and (c) there is a tangible danger that Mandarin and Cantonese speakers with imperfect recollection of the Ben Fu Mark would wonder whether wines labelled with the Disputed Marks were from the same source as wines branded with the Ben Fu Mark.

相类似地,其他争议商标也都与奔富存在实质上相同或欺骗性相似的嫌疑。法官还认为,如果普通话和粤语的葡萄酒消费者群体对奔富商标认知不完备,这些争议商标的使用可能欺骗或混淆上述消费者群体。特别是考虑到:(1)争议商标主要针对说普通话和粤语的葡萄酒消费者群体;(2)冲突字符的发音为“Ben Fu”;(3)“Ben Fu”在发音上非常近似于“Penfolds”;(d)对普通话和粤语的葡萄酒消费者群体而言,争议商标的含义通常是“奔富酒庄”、“奔富酒园”或“澳大利亚奔富酒庄”。

Each of the Disputed Marks was again held to be either substantially identical with or deceptively similar to
the Penfolds Mark. Justice Beach also held that use of the Disputed Marks would likely deceive or confuse Mandarin and Cantonese speaking wine consumers with an imperfect recollection of the Penfolds Mark. This is especially the case given that: (a) the Disputed Marks were targeted at Mandarin and Cantonese speaking wine consumers; (b) the Conflicting Characters are pronounced by such consumers as “Ben Fu”; (c) “Ben Fu” is phonetically very similar to and approximates to “Penfolds”; and (d) the meaning of the Disputed Marks to Mandarin and Cantonese speaking wine consumers would generally be “Penfolds Winery”, “Penfolds Wine Park” or “Australia Penfolds Winery”.


Certain conduct also suggested that ARRW used the Disputed Marks with the intention of misappropriating the reputation of the “Penfolds” brand and/or misleading Mandarin and Cantonese speaking wine consumers. This conduct included: (a) operating a website that used the English word “Penfolds” and copied images of TWE’s winemakers; (b) operating an online store that featured ARRW’s “Rush Rich” logo, but with a photo of the Magill Estate and the words “Rawson’s Retreat” (which is another Australian trade mark owned by Southcorp); and (c) offering for sale bottles of wine with labels that appeared to mimic the labels of certain Penfolds-branded wines. The Court considered that ARRW’s apparent intention behind using the Disputed Marks was a relevant consideration and that, in circumstances where it is apparent that such use was made with the intention of deceiving or confusing, it is open to the Court to decide that such use is likely to do so.

作为商标的使用 Use "as a trade mark"



• 在葡萄酒标签上以粗体文本居中使用“奔富酒园”和“澳洲大利亚奔富 酒庄” 等字;

• 在上述字符后立即使用®符号-意在向客户表明其为商标;

• 申请注册“奔富”、“奔富酒园”和“奔富酒庄”为葡萄酒商标。若没有相关使用意图,则奔富酒园不会进行申请操作;

• 在葡萄酒标签上的“生产者”字样后随即使用“澳大利亚奔富酒庄”,意在向客户表明葡萄酒由由“澳大利亚奔富酒庄”所生产的;以及

• 将争议商标贴在带有酒厂信息的葡萄酒标签上。

Even if a sign is substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, a registered trade mark, infringement will only occur if that sign is used as a trade mark (i.e. for the purpose of indicating the source or origin of the relevant goods or services). As put by Beach J, the question is whether the Disputed Marks “would appear to consumers as possessing the character of the brand”.

After reviewing evidence of how the Disputed Marks had been used by ARRW, Beach J was of no doubt that ARRW had used the Disputed Marks as trade marks. Justice Beach reached this conclusion because ARRW:

• used 奔富酒园 and 澳洲大利亚奔富 酒庄 in bold text centred text on its wine labels;

• used the ® symbol immediately after the above characters – clearly indicating to customers that they are functioning as trade marks;

• applied to register 奔富, 奔富酒园 and 奔富酒庄 as trade marks for wine, which ARRW would not do if it were not using those characters as trade marks;

• used 澳大利亚奔富酒庄 (“Australia Penfolds Winery”) on its wine labels immediately after the Chinese characters for “Producer” – indicating to customers that the wines were produced by “Australian Penfolds Winery”;

• and placed the Disputed Marks on its wine labels in positions where information about wineries is typically included on wine labels.


In addition to the above, application of the Disputed Marks to wine bottles for export to China is clearly deemed to be trade mark use under s228 of the Act. As a result, the Court held that use of the Disputed Marks by ARRW infringed the Southcorp Marks. The Court ordered ARRW to: (a) cease use of the Disputed Marks; (b) withdraw its trade mark applications for the relevant Disputed Marks; (c) pay Southcorp $375,302.34 as an account of profits attributed to use of the Disputed Marks; and (d) pay Southcorp’s legal costs.

启示 Significance
This decision confirms that a trade mark registered in one language can be infringed by using words or characters in other languages, even if they do not have a similar appearance. Infringement may occur where the target market would interpret the offending mark as conveying the same meaning as, or operating as an equivalent or approximation of, the registered mark. This decision may provide some comfort to Australian trade mark owners that wish to inhibit the sale or export of competing products branded with equivalent foreign language marks. Not only should Australian trade mark owners monitor and take action against the use of such marks where necessary to protect their brands from misappropriation, but they should also consider registering in Australia transliterations of their brands in languages or characters that are used in their key markets, just as Southcorp did in this case.

本文译自 Shelston IP (澳大利亚骁盾知识产权事务所), 作者为本所Michael Deacon (合伙人),翻译为中国五洲普华国际部Vincent。

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