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2020-01-12 16:06:27

 $50M fund launched to bring Chinese tech to the Middle East


MEC Ventures will look to unify Chinese and Middle Eastern capital and technology markets.

MEC Ventures将寻求统一中国和中东的资本和技术市场。

Al Salam Bank-Bahrain (ASBB) has partnered with China’s MSA Capital to launch a new $50 million fund to introduce technology from China to the Middle East.

巴林萨拉姆银行(ASBB)已与中国的MSA Capital合作,发起了一项新的5000万美元的基金,将中国的技术引入中东。

The $50 million fund is formed under the name MEC Ventures. Using Bahrain as a gateway, the fund will invest in MENA-based opportunities to introduce Chinese technology and mobile-first business models. Sectors targeted by the fund include e-commerce, logistics, fintech, as well as the fourth industrial revolution technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing.

这家5000万美元的基金以MEC Ventures的名义成立。该基金将利用巴林作为门户,投资基于MENA的机会,以引入中国技术和移动优先业务模式。该基金的目标行业包括电子商务,物流,金融科技以及人工智能,大数据和云计算等第四次工业革命技术。

The fund will also look to improve the flow of capital and technology between the two regions. Using ASBB’s network in the Middle East, MSA Capital will support its portfolio companies — “which includes the sector leaders in most major technology verticals such as healthcare big data, gene sequencing, electric vehicles, food delivery, ride hailing, micro mobility, and cross boarder e-commerce” — to expand in the region by “enhancing their offerings, geographic reach and usage volumes, thereby exponentially enhancing value,” as per statement.

该基金还将寻求改善两个地区之间的资金和技术流动。通过使用ASBB在中东的网络,MSA Capital将支持其投资组合公司-“其中包括大多数主要技术领域的行业领导者,例如医疗保健大数据,基因测序,电动汽车,食品运送,乘车,微型出行和跨界运输 根据声明,通过“扩大其产品,扩大地理覆盖范围和使用量,从而成倍地增加价值”来扩大该区域的电子商务。

“Al Salam Bank-Bahrain is uniquely positioned to provide regional access to capital and investment opportunities in the ever-growing Mena market complementing MSA’s deep industry expertise," said the bank's group chief executive, Rafik Nayed.

该银行集团首席执行官拉菲克·纳耶德(Rafik Nayed)表示:“巴林银行(Al Salam Bank-Bahrain)处于独特的位置,可在不断增长的Mena市场中为区域提供资本和投资机会,以补充MSA的深厚行业专业知识。”

"MEC Ventures will be an active participant in the regional venture capital landscape which >”

Rafik Nayed, group CEO at Al Salam Bank-Bahrain

“ MEC Ventures将积极参与区域性风险投资领域,只有借助基于中国的尖端技术和专业知识,该领域才能不断发展。”

巴林Al Salam银行集团首席执行官Rafik Nayed

Ben Harburg, managing partner, MSA Capital, said, "The combination of high mobile penetration, high ARPU, and a large youth population, coupled with substantial market white space, evidenced by factors such as low ecommerce penetration levels and large unbanked populations, offer an ideal opportunity for investment. We believe that the Mena region is nearing an inflection point that can be accelerated through the adoption of Chinese-inspired mobile-first business models.

MSA Capital的执行合伙人Ben Harburg说:“高移动普及率,高ARPU和庞大的年轻人口,再加上大量的市场空白,结合了较低的电子商务普及率水平和庞大的无银行人口群体,这证明了 我们认为,美纳地区正接近拐点,可以通过采用中国启发性的移动优先业务模式来加快这一拐点。

He further added, “We are proud to partner with Al Salam Bank-Bahrain to establish MEC Ventures, and see Bahrain as a hyper-efficient, user-friendly gateway to the Mena region, where we can collaborate with regulators, entrepreneurs, and strategic corporate partners to pilot new business models and serve as a hub for regional expansion."

他进一步补充说:“我们很荣幸与Al Salam Bank-Bahrain合作建立MEC Ventures,并将巴林视为通向Mena地区的高效,用户友好的门户,我们可以在此与监管机构,企业家和战略合作 公司合作伙伴,以试行新的商业模式,并成为区域扩张的枢纽。”

Previously, Al Waha fund of funds, the investment vehicle owned by the Bahrain government's sovereign fund, Mumtalakat, raised their $100 million investment fund in 2018. In May this year, it was reported that they have already deployed over half of that capital. In October last month, they announced that they would invest in the $250 million fund by China’s MSA Capital. Overall, Bahrain and China have been developing stronger relations to strengthen their foothold in the Middle East business ecosystem.

此前,巴林政府主权基金Mumtalakat拥有的投资工具Al Waha基金在2018年筹集了1亿美元的投资基金。据报道,今年5月,他们已经动用了超过一半的资本。他们在上个月的10月宣布,他们将投资中国MSA Capital的这只2.5亿美元的基金。总体而言,巴林和中国一直在发展更牢固的关系,以加强在中东商业生态系统中的立足点。


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