Nithin Manoher: I would like to inform you that when a ad is created, as per the new policy the ad will be going through a review by the back end
This review will take a maximum of 72 hours to complete and your ad will be automatically changed to Running after the review is complete
me: Wow. it's too hard to sellers.why need review.
Nithin Manoher: I'm sorry for the trouble
This is a new policy introduced by us
Previously after the ad is created, our team would do random reviews on the ads and remove them if found inappropriate
We were unable to remove all the ads from that process
Which we found inappropriate
So, in the new policy ad will be in review as soon as its created and will be active only after the ad review is complete
If found inappropriate the ad would be suspended
Your understanding in this matter is highly appreciated
me: Where we can find the details of new policy
Nithin Manoher: I've checked the details of your product and noticed that your product is eligible for advertising and the ad will definitely be approved
Please do not worry about that. Right now its just going through a review which is a mandatory process for all the ads
me: You means :we only need wait?
Nithin Manoher: Our team is working to create a official help page so that sellers will be aware of this process
Yes, you just need to wait
根据最新DHL的通知,美国政府机关根据321法案(U.S.Customs Regulation 19CFR10.151. Sec 321)加大了对入境FBA货物清关的审核。
1.同一发件人在1天内发送了n(n>1)票货物至同一Amazon US仓库。
2.这n票货物会被美国政府视为“split shipments”,从而全部转为正式清关required formal entry,无论单票货值是否低于800USD。
3.按照美国清关规定,正式清关货物需要提供收件人Employer Identity Number(EIN),但对于FBA货物,US Amazon不提供任何清关支持。
Prime Day备战正酣,美国海关却开始盯紧中国卖家,发往美国FBA的货件双清包税分拆避税的模式面临灭顶之灾,卖家实在是不开心。对于以上政策你是怎么看的呢?欢迎在留言区留言评论!