很多亚马逊卖家都有被跟卖的痛苦经历,含辛茹苦养起来的一个Listing,终于有了稳定的销售,还没高兴几天,突然被跟卖,接下来购物车被抢、价格战、销 售大幅度下降……眼看辛苦养大的Listing就要早夭,于是写警告信,甚至Test buy,费尽力气去赶走各路跟卖。
一 些脸皮薄的跟卖在收到警告信后灰溜溜退场,一些胆大的而有些“学识”的跟卖宣称跟卖是亚马逊允许的,继续跟卖。如果你的是新账号,并且没有品牌保护,产品 确实是“三无产品”,这时只能眼睁睁看着自己的心血被掠夺和瓜分;如果你的产品有品牌备案,则可以尽快的向亚马逊投诉,来保护自己的“地盘”, 不,“listing”。
1、看起来似乎是亚马逊自营。你可能一早起来发现自己的Listing被“sold by Amazon”跟卖了;
以下选两个之前小编遇到的例子,一个是痛苦的经历,一个有Happy ending,如果大家遇到恶意跟卖,果断照着做吧!
卖家A在3月份的时候开始做一款背包,5月份日均销量达到15个左右,这时AMZ Tracker的导师第一次给他做账户诊断,要求他对所售卖的产品申请品牌。该卖家认为自己还没有赚到很多钱,不到注册品牌的时候,于是听过之后就算了。
老师,现在遇到了一个大问题,有一个Sold by Amazon的卖家跟卖了我的Listing,更糟的事,我的产品的品牌已经被注册了,并且马上要下证了。我的库存还有500多个。
该卖家也终于在艰难的Life lesson面前认输,在10月初开始关注品牌备案,注册商标。
该 卖家当时从美国回浙江,发现自己店铺的主要Listing突然被跟卖,并且Listing的编辑权渐渐丧失。第一天,产品图片被修改;第二 天,Review内容被修改;第二天晚上,该Asin竟然被架空了,原来的Listing完全被跟卖卖家据为己有,所有库存竟然被拦截在新的Asin下 面。
这位卖家告诉AMZ Tracker导师情况之后,赶在下班之前飞到了我们深圳的办公室。在导师的指导下,客户搜集了所有申诉的资料,提交给了Amazon,当天傍晚,这个Listing就恢复了正常销售。
Dear Amazon,
This is seller Beauty S***.
We encounter a serious and unbelievable issue in our store.Please check the following and suggest as soon as possible.
1,The issue is about Asin B071****** ,we listed this item around 28,May,UPC 7005983***** ,However the whole listing was falsified into a new listing:Asin B075****** yesterday by seller Dolemi.
Yesterday,They changed the images and description for this listing,today they even erase the former images in the reviews,so the listing is now totally their and we lost our inventory for B071******,the inventory is now blocked under their Asin B075******.
This is barely too horrific.
2,we are totally confused about what was going on and want Amazon to check the following and solve this problem as soon as possible.
(1) we list our products around 28,May.
We listed three items at once: 8 pack upc :700598****** for Asin B071****** / 4pack upc:700598****** for asin#B071****** 12 pack 700598****** for Asin B071****** (please check attachment picture 1 for your information)
(2) we have our brand C******registered last Month,and our website is: http://ch**********.com/ ,kindly check our website if needed.
(3) We have sold this item for about 5 months and totally sold 1255pcs.Please check the attachment business report for your information.
As a responsible seller on Amazon,we try our best to provide good quality products as well as good customer service,we hope all sellers can obey the rules and maintain the marketplace fair enough,now they hijacked our listing unreasonably.This really harm our sales a lot.
We hope Amazon to do research on this issue and get our inventory back to our Asin B071****** for normal sale.
We are looking forward for your early response about this issue and we hope those fraud sellers can be punished and to be requested to obey the Amazon principle strictly.
小 编整理这篇文章,意在告诉大家商标注册的重要性,既然是平台政策导向,大家认真遵守方能走得长远。另外,如果大家遇到类似跟卖,需要证明“我是我”也不用 太过担忧,按照此文尽快申诉吧。如果还在担忧失措,可以联系AMZ Tracker账户经理,快速获取更多建议噢。