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2017-07-26 10:58:00


     I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality. I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:

     Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.

     When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.

     I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communi cation that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.

Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:

     Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.

     Most importantly, we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims.

In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.

In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventor upload file.

Our Plan of Action:

Our inventory file has been reviewed. All misclassification condition items have been re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines. Entire inventory has been deleted from Marketplace to reflect all changes. All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.


"I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality. "

Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.

"I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-Z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%."

"All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you."


Please help edit the following appeal:(比较不正确版本)

     We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realized the delay in shipping orders does not comply with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor, our target of less than 2%.

     We have reviewed our metrics and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed. Shipping and Inventory Availability.

     We realized we need constant monitoring of our seller account. To achieve our goal of less that 4% late shipping, we are monitoring our Amazon account continuously, instead of during regular retail store hours.

     To further help us achieve our goal of less that 4% late shipping, we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location. This eliminates delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.

     Thank you for considering this appeal.


To whom it may concern,(正确版本)

     We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.

     We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.

     We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.

     To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation. Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.

     Thank you for considering this appeal.





To whom it may concern,

    We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%. (诚实道歉先)



     We realize we needed additional support for monitoring of our seller account. To achieve our goal of less that 4% late shipping, we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store that is handling Amazon. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.


     We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.


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