因为亚马逊有自己的一套算法!根据买家每日的投诉,然后结合他们自己的算法,最后作出判断(当然也会出现误封情况) ①监测产品的意见和卖方的反馈;②浏览销售商的网站政策、产品说明、产品标题和主要信息等;③调查消费者联系卖方的原因(产品问题等)④筛选买家提交的A-Z,查找敏感词; 2.卖家在运营中如何避免制假售假情况? ①产品描述:必须要精准的描述产品,不要夸张描述卖点;产品图片设计要精准,不可夸张也不可增加新的东西(喧宾夺主);产品的标题或者关键词不可使用别人的商标;否则会引起买家的不满,从而导致差评、A-Z投诉、描述不符、产品假冒伪劣等。②review或feedback整理:买家对产品的评论或者店铺的评论都要认真对待,解决好每一个差评,分析差评的原因,若差评是因为描述不符或者产品质量问题,一定要及时解决!否则等到亚马逊来调查消费者的时候,就为时已晚了! ③A-Z投诉及时处理:可以说这个是卖家的致命伤!A-Z投诉对于卖家来说是极其严重的,如果不是十分严重的问题,买家一般不会开启A-Z的,毕竟老外的素质还是很高的!而且A-Z投诉是需要将亚马逊平台牵涉进来的,不仅仅是卖家和买家的问题了,如果A-Z投诉的原因是由于假冒伪劣,那么卖家就很危险了!④预防措施:在做任何一款产品之前,我们必须要求供应商提供详细的发票,品牌和制造商名称必须清楚;确定文件名是“发票”,以正确的格式保存;寻找能够为您提供质量保证的供应商合作,或者只与生产商合作;请找出所有产品的保证书;如果您可以提供修理和延期保证;避免以购买清算产品为主进渠道。⑤避免跟卖:跟卖被投诉,那么必死无疑! 3.如何申诉+申诉材料准备 ①所需材料:需要准备的资料一般是发票,收据,甚至合同,送货单等资料。特别注意的是除了要保证资料的真实性之外,还要保证资料的完整性,比如发票,收据,运单的数量,以及你进货经销商得到的正规的品牌授权,采购发票。提供从经销商处拿货的发票或收据只能证明货从一处采购,但品牌授权能证明该处的商品是得到了品牌方的授权,那么这个商品就是真的。②申诉模板案例: Dear Amazon :Thank you for your concern of our account.We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products. We immediately check the listings. Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform. Secondly, as the items,I will provide the documents Amazon requires to prove that my store is not infringing. 1.Reasons for being judged to be counterfeit By reviewing customer feedback on us, I found that one of the buyers thought our product was false advertising because our main image included a pen, but the pen was just a foil. This is indeed the negligence of our operators, and we will change the listing content in time. 2.Information provided: I will send the invoice, power of attorney and other materials through the document situation, please review it, thank you very much.And I will review and modify all listings 3.Actions to be taken in the future in order not to violate the policy: 3.1. Study Amazon Policies Seriously3.2. Take every buyer's review seriously3.3. Write the listing carefully and don’t make low-level mistakes again 这个案例大姐夫写得很简单,但是大家在申诉的时候一定要全面、认真!一切都还有机会!