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2023-02-22 12:00:00






Dear Amazon seller support,

Thank you for your concern of our account.

We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products. 

We immediately check the listings. 

Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.

Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.

We had removed the listings and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant. 

Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.

Hope Amazon can look through to it.

If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:

1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.

2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.

3. We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.

4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.

Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.

We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!

Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards


Dear Seller Performance Team

  Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.

We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams. 

We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can do's and can'ts. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.

However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company, accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyone's else's knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management. 

Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.

1. We just organized a training again on the can's and can't the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed. 

2. We deleted  all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.

3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.

I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

your name

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