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2023-02-17 18:56:50
What is a cancellation?什么是取消注册程序?The European Union trade mark regulation ( EUTMR) provides for two types of procedures that come under the generic term of ‘cancellation proceedings’.The rights of the proprietor of an EU trade mark can be revoked and an EU trade mark can be declared invalid. The difference is that revocation applies as from the date of the request, whereas a declaration of invalidity removes the registration from the Register of European Union trade marks with retroactive effect.欧盟商标条例 (EUTMR) 规定了两种属于“取消程序(cancellation proceedings)”通用术语的程序。欧盟商标权利可以被撤销(revoked),也可以被无效(declared invalid)。两者的区别在于,撤销程序(revocation)自提交申请之日起生效,而无效程序(invalidity)是将欧盟商标从注册簿中删除,具有追溯效力。
When can the rights of the proprietor of an EU trade mark be revoked?什么情况下可以撤销欧盟商标所有人的权利?The rights of the proprietor of an EU trade mark can be revoked in the following cases.▷   In the absence of genuine use. The law establishes that an EU trade mark must be put to genuine use in the European Union in the 5 years following its registration. Moreover, use must not be interrupted for over 5 years.▷ If, in consequence of the acts of the proprietor, the trade mark has become the common name for a product or service for which it is registered and the proprietor has not taken sufficient measures to prevent this.▷ If, in consequence of the use made of it by the proprietor, a trade mark has become misleading as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods and services for which it is registered.在以下情况下,可以撤销欧盟商标所有人的权利: 在没有真正使用的情况下。法律规定,欧盟商标必须在注册后的5年内在欧盟真正投入使用,不得中断使用超过5年。 由于所有人的行为,该商标已成为产品或服务的通用名称或者商标被他人注册并且所有人未采取足够的措施来防止这种情况的发生。▷ 所有人通过使用,使商标在其注册的商品和服务的性质、质量或地理来源方面变得具有误导性。
When can an EU trade mark be declared invalid?什么情况下欧盟商标可以宣告无效?There are two types of grounds for invalidity: absolute and relative. Absolute grounds for invalidity include the grounds for refusal that have been examined ex officio during the registration procedure. Relative grounds for invalidity concern earlier rights that take precedence over the EU trade mark in accordance with the principle of ‘priority’.无效(invalidity)理由有两种:绝对的和相对的。无效的绝对理由包括在注册程序中依职权审查的驳回理由。无效的相对理由涉及根据“优先权”原则优先于欧盟商标的在先权利。An EU trade mark may be declared invalid by invoking absolute grounds in the following cases. Where the EU trade mark was registered in spite of the existence of an absolute ground for refusal (in particular, if it was non-distinctive or descriptive). Where the applicant acted in bad faith when filing the application. This mainly concerns cases where the applicant was pursuing illicit aims in filing the application for the trade mark.在下列情况下,可以援引绝对理由宣布欧盟商标无效: 欧盟商标存在绝对驳回理由却予以注册的情况(特别是,该商标缺乏显著性或者具有描述性的情况)。 申请人恶意申请的情况。这主要存在于申请出于达成非法目的而提出商标申请的情况。An EU trade mark may be declared invalid by invoking relative grounds in the following cases. For the same reasons as those for which notice of opposition may be filed. Where another earlier right exists in a Member State that permits the use of the trade mark in question to be prohibited. This concerns, in particular, a right to a name, a right of personal portrayal, a copyright and an industrial property right such as an industrial design right.在下列情况下,可以援引相对理由宣布欧盟商标无效:▷ 与提出异议申请相同的理由。▷ 欧盟成员国中存在他人在先权利,并禁止使用相关商标。这些权利,尤其涉及至姓名权、个人肖像权、版权和工业产权,如工业品外观设计权。
When should an application for cancellation be filed? Are there particular time limits that should be observed?何时应该提交取消注册的申请(cancellation)?是否有应遵守的特定时间限制?An application for cancellation is only admissible if the EU trade mark in question has been entered in the Register of European Union trade marks. Registrations are published in the European Union Trade Marks Bulletin (Part B). An application for revocation on the basis of non-use is only admissible if the EU trade mark has been registered for more than 5 years at the date of filing of the request.只有相关欧盟商标已登记在欧盟商标注册簿中时,取消注册的申请才可受理。欧盟商标注册在公告栏中公布。只有自提出申请日起商标注册超过5年,基于未使用的撤销申请(revocation)才会核准。There is no time limit for filing an application for cancellation. However, if the proprietor of an earlier right acquiesces in the use of a later EU trade mark for a period of five successive years, he or she is no longer entitled to file an application for invalidity on relative grounds (limitation in consequence of acquiescence).提出取消注册的申请没有时间限制。但是,如果在先权利所有人连续五年默许在后申请的欧盟商标的使用,则不再享有基于相对理由提出无效申请(invalidity)的权利(默许限制)。
Is it possible to rely on several grounds for cancellation?是否可以基于多个理由提起取消注册的申请?An application for cancellation may be based on several different grounds. However, unless a fee for invalidity and a fee for revocation is paid, it is not possible to rely both on grounds for invalidity and for revocation in the same request, as invalidity and revocation are considered two different proceedings with different characteristics.取消注册的申请可以基于几个不同的理由。但是,只有无效费用(invalidity)和撤销费用(revocation)都予以支付,才有可能同时基于无效和撤销理由提交同一份申请。因为无效(invalidity)和撤销(revocation)被视为具有不同特征的两个程序。
Who is responsible for bearing the costs of an application for cancellation?谁负责承担取消注册申请的费用?The losing party in cancellation proceedings must bear the fees and costs of the other parties. The costs to be refunded are, however, limited, which means that the person that bears the costs will not have to pay above a certain maximum limit.取消注册程序中的败诉方必须承担另一方的费用和成本。但是,需承担的费用是有限的,这意味着承担费用的一方不必支付超过某个最高限额的费用。




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