03、要求进口商从中央银行买入美元等储备货币的时机更精准。以上所有新措施定于 10 月 17 日生效。有消息人士称,新措施将给进口体系“带来秩序”,避免不规范行为。
其实这已经不是阿根廷第一次收紧进口措施了,早在今年 7 月就曾发布过一系列的新规。
▓ 原文:
The Central Bank tightened capital controls to preserve foreign reserves by limiting importers’ access to hard currency to pay for imports.
Many U.S. exporters have begun hearing from their Argentine buyers that they are unable to access U.S. dollars to pay them for the imported goods. The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) tightened capital controls to preserve rapidly-dwindling foreign reserves by limiting importers’ access to hard currency (i.e., USD) to pay for imports. This measure will be in force for a minimum of three months but may be extended.
Importers must wait six months from the time that products arrive in Argentina to access hard currency to pay their suppliers. Products that are deemed to be luxury items must wait an additional six months, totaling a year, before the importer is able to access funds for payment. Approval times within these established time windows can vary. When BCRA reserves increase, foreign exchange (FX) acquisition requests tend to be approved faster.
The main restrictions are:
❶Importers of goods based on non-automatic licenses will be able to access FX only 180 days after the time of arrival to Argentina, while luxury goods importers must wait 365 days.
❷Importers of goods based on automatic licenses may access FX for amounts either equal to the monthly average of imports in 2021 plus 5 percent, or of imports in 2020 plus 70 percent.
❸Importers of services are allowed access to the same amount of FX as allocated in 2021 but must wait 180 days for any excess amount.
❹Capital goods importers may access FX to pay 80 percent of the value when the goods are shipped from the port of origin, with the remaining 20 percent paid 180 days after arrival. However, a previous resolution that allowed for a 30 percent down payment was revoked.
Some exceptions exist. For example, imports of medicines and energy sector equipment are exempt from the new restrictions, as are services imports for shipping, cargo, and tourism. Moreover, local SMEs are also exempt if their exports increase by 15 percent compared to 2021 and their imports were less than $1 million.
The BCRA states that the decision is largely aimed at “responding to the extraordinary needs for foreign currency to meet energy imports” during the austral winter among other causes. However, Argentina has been struggling since pre-pandemic years with a challenging macroeconomic situation. Factors affecting the economy include a parallel exchange rate that has reached record highs in 2022 and continues to rise, slow economic growth, and increased inflation, which is predicted to be over 70 precent in 2022.据悉,阿根廷自 2019 年开始实施外汇管制后,官方汇率与黑市汇率之间的差距越来越大,现在阿根廷至少有 7 种汇率。
在阿根廷,进口商按照官方汇率向中央银行兑换美元,而美元对阿根廷比索汇率在某些交易市场比官方汇率高 88%,巨大的汇差促使一些进口商过多或重复请求官方换汇额度。
所以在 2022 年 8 月,阿根廷海关还做了另一件事,整治进出口贸易违规行为,查处了 722 家公司涉及 13640 项业务,货物离岸价总额约 12.5 亿美元。
此外,阿根廷央行 6 日提供的数据显示,阿根廷现有美元储备 365.5 亿美元。鉴于阿根廷央行美元储备有限,政府希望确保把美元用在有助于提高国内生产的进口贸易上。
据阿根廷国家统计与人口普查研究所发布的数据显示,在截至今年 8 月的 12 个月里,阿根廷累计通胀率达 78.5%,创 1991 年以来最高水平。
另据阿根廷中央银行此前发布的市场预期调查报告显示,2022 年该国累计通胀率将达 95%。
为控制通胀,阿根廷央行今年以来多次加息,目前基准利率已达 69.5%。