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2022-03-17 00:19:54

零担运输的货运等级说明 上

What are NMFC Codes?
什么是 NMFC 代码?

Each LTL shipping item has an NMFC code associated with it. NMFC codes are similar in concept to PLU codes at a grocery store — every item that could be shipped is assigned a code.  每个 LTL 运输项目都有一个与之关联的 NMFC 代码。NMFC 代码在概念上类似于杂货店的 PLU 代码——每件可以发货的物品都分配有一个代码。

For example, hardwood flooring may be assigned NMFC #37860, whereas corrugated boxes may be assigned NMFC #29250. These codes can be accessed via an NMFC database, which is constantly being updated.  例如,硬木地板可以指定为 NMFC #37860,而瓦楞纸箱可以指定为 NMFC #29250。这些代码可以通过不断更新的 NMFC 数据库访问。

 if you need help finding the correct NMFC code for your product, as this is step 1 in determining your freight class. The NMFC code will tell you how to class your item. 如果您需要帮助为您的产品找到正确的 NMFC 代码,因为这是确定您的货运等级的第 1 步。NMFC 代码将告诉您如何对您的项目进行分类。

Some items have a permanent class, whereas others could be classed based on density, packaging, value, or other factors.

An item that is density-based means that the freight’s density will determine the class. For example, machinery may fit under NMFC #133300, which the database says is a density-based code. 基于密度的项目意味着货物的密度将决定类别。例如,机器可能适合 NMFC #133300,数据库称其为基于密度的代码。

If you’re shipping machinery, you’ll need to first determine the item’s density (based on weight, dimensions and pallet count), and will then be able to calculate a freight class.  如果您要运输机械,您需要首先确定物品的密度(基于重量、尺寸和托盘数量),然后才能计算货运等级。

With most density-based classes, a lower density means a higher class, and a higher density means a lower class.对于大多数基于密度的班级,较低的密度意味着较高的班级,较高的密度意味着较低的班级。

Using our example, let’s say we have 2 machines on standard-sized pallets with the same dimensions (48”x40”x48”). Machine #1 weighs 1000 lbs and Machine #2 weighs 500 lbs. This means that Machine #1 is denser than Machine #2, giving it a lower freight classification and (usually!) a cheaper price.使用我们的示例,假设我们有 2 台机器放置在具有相同尺寸 (48”x40”x48”) 的标准尺寸托盘上。1 号机器重 1000 磅,2 号机器重 500 磅。这意味着 1 号机器比 2 号机器密度更大,因此它的货运分类更低,而且(通常!)价格更便宜。

On the other hand, some shipping items have a permanent class regardless of their size or weight. An example of a fixed-class item would be a transmission. A transmission’s NMFC code is 19940, which classes at 85 no matter the size, weight, or packaging.  另一方面,一些运输物品无论其大小或重量如何,都具有永久类别。固定类项目的一个示例是传输。变速箱的 NMFC 代码是 19940,无论大小、重量或包装如何,它的分类都是 85。

There may also be NMFC codes that class based on how an item is packaged, its value, or any other product characteristic.  The only way to know for sure is to get your LTL shipping expert to help you look up your item in the NMFC database.也可能有基于物品的包装方式、价值或任何其他产品特性分类的 NMFC 代码。唯一确定的方法是让您的LTL 运输专家帮助您在 NMFC 数据库中查找您的项目。

How to Find your Correct Freight Class or NMFC Code
如何找到正确的货运等级或 NMFC 代码

We’ve covered what a shipping class is, as well as how it affects the cost of your freight shipping, so let’s finish up with how to find the correct class for your freight. 我们已经介绍了运输等级是什么,以及它如何影响您的货运成本,所以让我们来完成如何为您的货运找到正确的等级。

Many carriers and LTL freight brokers offer a freight class calculator that will determine the density and estimated class. These tools are convenient for casual shippers, but keep in mind that they offer only “estimated” classes. 许多承运人和零担货运代理提供货运等级计算器,用于确定密度和估计等级。这些工具对于临时托运人来说很方便,但请记住,它们仅提供“估计”类。

If you’re looking to avoid freight reclasses, the only way to ensure your class is to confirm your freight class using the correct NMFC code, and making sure it is visible and legible on the freight BOL used at the time of pickup.

Your LTL shipping expert can help you do this, as they should have access to the NMFC database. Below, we’ve also included a few classing tips to keep your shipping simple and easy:您的零担运输专家可以帮助您做到这一点,因为他们应该可以访问 NMFC 数据库。下面,我们还提供了一些分类提示,以使您的运输简单易行:

Freight Class Tips & Tricks

  • ALWAYS include the NFMC code on the BOL so the carrier can see it.始终在提单上包含 NFMC 代码,以便承运人可以看到它。

  • ALWAYS include the freight description on the BOL to the best of your ability. Something labeled “shipping item” is much more likely to be re-classed, as the carrier has no idea what the freight is and therefore no idea what class is correct.始终尽您所能在提货单上包含运费说明。标有“运输项目”的东西更有可能被重新分类,因为承运人不知道货物是什么,因此不知道什么分类是正确的。

  • Class calculators can give the exact density of a shipment; however, their classes are always estimates.  Not all items have density-based classes!类计算器可以给出货物的准确密度;但是,它们的类始终是估计值。并非所有项目都有基于密度的类!

  • Be aware of carrier habits. All carriers are not created equal and some are harder on re-classes and inspections than others. Know the limitations of the carriers you’ll be using.注意携带者的习惯。并非所有承运人都是平等的,有些承运人在重新分类和检查方面比其他承运人更难。了解您将使用的运营商的限制。

  • BE HONEST. Resist the urge to cheat on your freight class to fool the freight shipping companies. In the long run (like Vegas) the house always wins and you’ll end up paying penalties for constant re-classes.说实话。抵制在货运班上欺骗货运公司的冲动。从长远来看(就像维加斯一样),房子总是会赢,你最终会因为不断的重新上课而付出代价。   


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