1. 新品报错内容
QARTH: A variant item must have a Variant Group ID, Variant Attribute Name and 'Is Primary Variant' value. 'Is Primary Variant' should be set to 'Yes' for only one item in a group of variants. Learn more by searching 'Variant Group' in Help documentation to ensure your variant meets all requirements.; variant fields: We can’t create a variant group with the information you provided. To include this item in a variant group, you need to provide valid values for these attributes: Is Primary Variant, Variant Group ID, and Variant Attribute Names. Please also ensure you have provided a value for attributes in Variant Attribute Names. See a list of all acceptable Variant Attribute Names by Category at https://sellerhelp.walmart.com/s/guide?article=000007909.
1.发生这个问题的原因可能如下:填写了Variant Group ID这个版块的内容,但是在对应的color /size那里没有数据 所以就会出现这个报错。如下图:
2. 情况二:Is Primary Variant这个地方都选了Yes或是No,这个情况下也会报错,单属性情况下,Is Primary Variant这个地方可以写Yes或是不选,多属性情况下,Is Primary Variant这个地方只能选一个是Yes,其他留空,意思是就选择这个子SKU的主图作为整个多属性链接的在沃尔玛前台展示的主图,不可多选。
2. 新品报错内容
2.1,It looks like there was a glitch on our end. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.
2.2, There was an unexpected error that occurred while setting up this product. Please try to ingest this item again.
2.3, OFFER: The system cannot update or create the offer. An offer exists for the SKU and 'ProductId' combination. Validate the SKU and ‘ProductId’ combination and reattempt. If the issue persists, contact the support team at https://sellerhelp.walmart.com/s/.
3. 新品报错内容
3.1,Main Image URL: Main image URL setup failed. Please search 'Image Guidelines' in your help documentation to make sure the URL meets all of our requirements.
3.2, We couldn't download the asset (Video / Image / ClosedCaption) from the URL you provided. Please search the Help section for 'URL Specifications' and ensure your URL meets all of our requirements.
4. 新品报错内容
· 4.1 Another product ID in the same seller/org contains the SKU [%s]. As needed, perform a SKU override to change the value. Seller/3P users can access https://sellerhelp.walmart.com/s/guide?article=000007896 and/or https://sellerhelp.walmart.com/s/guide?article=000007908 to troubleshoot. Note that supplier/1P users cannot perform a SKU/product ID override.
这个报错就是告知我们,这个product ID(也就是EAN/UPC/GINT)被店铺里面的其他的SKU用了,所以这个时候去检查一下是不是被用过了,不是SKU用过,就是EAN/UPC/GINT已经绑定了其他的SKU并上架成功了。
5. 新品报错内容
以上就是小编汇总的一些常见的表格报错的内容,其他都是很简单的报错了,可以下载报错表,根据报错的内容找到对应的列看看原因然后在原表进行修改,注意不要在报错表上修改,报错表的内容都是最原始的格式,比如我们自己的新品表插入了新的图片列以及key feature等但是报错表是不会体现我们插入的这些列的,所以看到没有的时候不要惊慌,一切以沃尔玛的实际链接的内容为准。