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2021-06-04 18:50:03

导读:美国商标注册越来越难,申请人为了追求商标注册的成功率,取名越来越随意化,随便几个字母组合只要没有类似的就进行申请注册,虽然商标的注册成功率提高了,但大批量的这种无字面意义商标申请造成的危害以及后续可能产生的影响也引起了USPTO和美国学术界的关注和思考。是否只要申请商标在先无类似冲突,商标本身具有显著性就应该获得商标的保护?这种商标是否会真正的投入市场使用?这些商标是否能真正帮助消费者区别商品/服务来源? USPTO是否应该接受此类商标的申请?

A search of the United States Patent and Trademark Offices (USPTO) trademark database reveals that in 2020, a single attorney named Elizabeth Yang filed over 8,000 proposed trademarks. This number is surprising in and of itself, but the proposed marks are perhaps even more unusual. In general, companies developing new trademarks seek marks that are clear and memorable, that suggest something about the goods with which theyre associated. Indeed, trademark lawyers sometimes clash with marketing experts, who want marks so descriptive of the goods they sell as to be unprotectable under trademark law. But the marks filed by Yang include LJXOAIEU for hair clips, QIANDLEE for apparel, JANRSTIC for headphones, and AEZLHJYA for jewelry. These words are not close to any in English, and the applications make clear that they have no meaning in any other language either.

美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 商标数据库搜索显示,2020 年,一位名叫 Elizabeth Yang 的律师提交了 8,000 多个商标。这个数字本身就令人惊讶,更不同寻常。一般而言,商标新申请的公司注重商标清晰易记的特点并力求体现与产品之间的联系。事实上,商标律师有时会与营销专家发生冲突。营销专家希望商标对销售产品有一定描述性质,但这却不受法律保护。但杨提交的商标,如LJXOAIEU(产品:发夹)、QIANDLEE(产品:服装)、JANRSTIC(产品:耳机)和AEZLHJYA(产品:珠宝)。这些词并不是英文单词,在其他语言中也没有任何含义。

Its possible that these submissions are fraudulent: that the companies involved have not used and do not intend to use the marks in commerce and are lying to the USPTO. Apparently driven in part by economic incentives from the Chinese government, fraudulent trademark filings have been a growing problem in the United States and are a subject of concern among academics, politicians, and practitioners. Fraudulent filings can impose significant burdens on the U.S. trademark system.


But theres another possibility for these proposed marks, based not on the incentives offered by the Chinese government, but on those offered by Amazon. Since 2017, Amazon has required a registered trademark for Brand Registry access. So sellers, many based outside the United States, just want to get a registered trademark as quickly as possible, so that they can make it onto the Brand Registry.

这些不具字面意思商标的申请还存在另一种可能性,或许并不是基于中国政府的激励政策,而是基于亚马逊的激励措施。自2017 年起,亚马逊要求有注册商标才能进行品牌备案。因此,许多位于美国以外的卖家只想尽快获得注册商标,以便他们可以成功进行品牌备案。




Foundational to trademark law is an understanding that trademarks offer social value and therefore should be legally protected. The dominant justification for trademark law within the United States, Search-costs theory, maintains that trademarks are beneficial because consumers recognize them as identifiers of the source of goods they en- counter. This recognition then allows those consumers to rely on trade- marks to streamline their purchasing decisions, minimizing the burden of having to sort through and compare the characteristics of goods each time they want to buy something.But non-sense trademark are generally unpronounceable and difficult to remember or distinguish, nonsense marks fail to do what most companies want marks to do and what the theoretical foundations of trademark law assume that they will do: create a lasting impression on consumers.


While these marks do not work in the way the trademark system assumes they will, paradoxically, it is for that precise reason that they face virtually no barriers to trademark registration. Most applied for marks are required to be distinctive of their source. Nonsense trademark can easily achieve distinctiveness.



Nonsense marks do not look like trademarks typically look or work the way the trademark system assumes they are supposed to. But be- cause of that quality, rather than in spite of it, nonsense marks easily meet all of the formal requirements for trademark registration and may even receive stronger protections than do many more typical marks. Put another way, within the existing registration system, everything but common sense indicates that these words should be valid trademarks.





First, and most basically, applications for nonsense marks place further stress on an already-strained USPTO. Indeed, examiners, wary of fraudulent marks from China in general, may spend even more time than usual reviewing nonsense marks from Chinese companies. By calling on the resources of the USPTO to achieve their owners Amazon-related objectives, nonsense-mark applications themselves impose costs on the USPTO, as well as on other applicants affected by examiners greater caseloads and slower review processes.


Once nonsense marks make it onto the Register, they have the potential to inflict further harm, particularly on traditional mark owners. To avoid opposition from the USPTO or other mark owners, those seeking to register new marks must avoid words that might be seen as confusingly similar to existing marks. If traditional marks were already on the Register, the mark owners might be compelled to invest time and resources arguing that the similar but nonsensical mark presents a likelihood of confusion. Worse, if nonsense marks make it onto the Register first, potential registrants, already facing a diminishing number of good, available trademarks, might be hesitant to apply with their marks out of fear of a likelihood-of-confusion rejection. This chilling effect would be particularly acute for smaller businesses, which may not be able to afford a potentially lengthy and expensive registration battle.


Finally, nonsense marks place considerable strain on the metrics that trademark law relies on to function. As an initial matter, nonsense marks challenge the ability of the Abercrombie spectrum-to identify the value of and consumer reaction to different categories of marks.  Nonsense marks on the Register deepen the cracks in the foundation of one of trademark laws major sorting mechanisms, calling into question Abercrombies legitimacy as an indicator of what makes a strong mark and leaving it less stable for those who look to it for guidance.


Nonsense marks also defy trademark law’s ordinary heuristics for determining whether two marks are confusingly similar — both at the registration stage and in infringement suits. Presented with a likelihood-of-confusion case in which one or both marks consist of a random string of letters, it is not immediately clear how a decision-maker would assess the “similarity or dissimilarity of the marks in their entireties as to appearance, sound, connotation and commercial impression,” a “key consideration in any likelihood of confusion determination.”





Despite the novelty of the issues nonsense marks present, the tool needed to address them already exists in trademark law, in the form of failure to function doctrine. The question of whether a mark actually functions as a trademark is critical to assessing whether it should receive protection, and any analysis focused just on distinctiveness, likelihood of confusion, or other more traditional grounds for refusal is necessarily incomplete. The USPTO has taken note: in recent years, failure to function has played an increasing role in registration refusals.

尽管不具字面意思的商标的问题很新颖,但现行商标法中已存在解决该问题的举措--也就是功能失效原则。商标是否真正具有商标功能,这一点对于评估其是否应该受到保护至关重要。仅仅关注显著性、近似混淆或其他更传统驳回理由的注册分析都必然是不完整的。USPTO 已经注意到:近年来,功能失效原则在驳回注册中扮演越来越重要的角色。

The doctrine relies on the basic premise that, to be registrable, a proposed mark must be used as a trademark. To establish valid trademark use, an applicant must show that the mark is used on or in connection with goods in commerce, but also that it actually works the way a trademark is supposed to. Failure to function has developed as a way to assess whether a given mark will be understood as a source indicator and to weed out those marks that will not.





Paying attention to how consumers are likely to receive, understand, and use nonsense marks, it becomes clear that, as these marks are composed of arbitrary, unpronounceable strings of letters, they do not work as trademarks should. In other words, they are not source identifying in the long term because consumers will find it difficult if not impossible to use them in this way. And, because they are not organized around a linguistic system of meaning, as soon as more than one nonsense mark exists, it becomes difficult to use any of them to distinguish the sources of different goods.


As with all bases for refusal, linguistic failure to function will likely present close, difficult cases. However, if applied thoughtfully, it will also offer an effective, tailored tool for keeping off the Register most nonsense marks, which clearly do not work as trademarks should but which current trademark law is ill-equipped to handle.





Nonsense marks, the product of a changed landscape for consumer goods and of incentives created by Amazon, at once pose new challenges to the U.S. trademark system and contribute to the larger problem of an increasingly overburdened Register. Fortunately, existing trademark law already provides the tool to prevent the potential harm that these marks cause. Failure to function doctrine, which denies registration to marks that consumers will not perceive as source identifying, ensures that marks on the Register actually work as trademarks. By extending failure to function to encompass marks that do not work because they are linguistically incoherent and unmemorable, courts and the USPTO can keep these marks off the Register and prevent them from further muddying the trademark system.




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