Do First | 东南亚企业服务仍处发展初期,AI语音服务该如何切入?
召回原因:该产品的塑料护翼可能会从牙胶上脱落,对婴儿造成窒息危险。(The plastic wings may break off from the gum and pose a choking hazard to babies.)
召回原因:该产品的塑料护翼可能会从牙胶上脱落,对婴儿造成窒息危险。(The plastic wings may break off from the gum and pose a choking hazard to babies.)
召回原因:该婴儿座椅套件未经过加拿大《婴儿床、摇篮和婴儿车管理条例》测试,可能无法满足婴儿床的安全睡眠要求,对婴儿存在潜在的伤害和危险。(The baby seat kit has not been tested under Canada's CRIBS, CRIBS and prams regulations and may not meet the safety sleep requirements of the CRIBS, posing potential harm and danger to the baby.)
召回原因:该产品问题出在使用过程中承受压力时,连接器的软管和零件会脱落(The problem with this product is that the hose and parts of the connector fall off under pressure during use