2月16日,亚马逊向多位卖家发出了一则邮件通知,看到消息后,卖家们纷纷风中凌乱。邮件表示,希望卖家为通过亚马逊商店销售的产品提供责任保险证明,卖家要在2021年3月15日前回复。在连续三个月的销售总额达到10,000美元之后的30天内,卖家需要购买并维持至少100万美元的商业普通保险,附加责任险或超额责任险。收到邮件的卖家需要在30天内使用账号注册邮箱回复这封邮件,并在邮件中附上责任保险证书,责任保险证书需涵盖在Amazon.com上进行销售交易的所有商品。那么保险要求是什么?卖家的商业责任保险单必须符合以下所有条件:显示《A.M. 最佳财产事故保险指南》中所列的完整承保人姓名。必须投保商业综合责任险 (CGL)、伞护式责任保险和/或超额责任保险,保额上限为:每次事故 1,000,000 美元,商品和完工责任合计 1,000,000 美元,且总计 1,000,000 美元。此类保险必须涵盖商品责任、商品/完工责任、身体或人身伤害、广义的财产损失和广义的合同投保范围。也可以投保商业综合责任险和伞护式责任保险,以及/或超额责任保险的任意组合来满足保险限制。(如需保险要求的完整列表,请参阅亚马逊服务商业解决方案协议。)Pro Merchant Insurance Requirements
Pro Merchants who sell on Amazon must provide proof of Commercial General Liability insurance. This insurance, obtained at the merchant's expense, shall cover up to $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate and must include product liability, bodily injury, or personal injury, property damage, and other requirements as stated in the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. The insurance must indicate that ", Inc., and its affiliates and assignees" are added as additional insureds.
Summary of Requirements for Pro Merchant Insurance
The Certificate of Insurance must:
Be an original document.
Contain an Additional Insured Endorsement.
List all Pro Merchants' subsidiaries or DBAs covered by the certificate provided.
Provide at least 30 days' notice of cancellation, modification, or non-renewal.
Show complete insurance carrier names as listed in the A.M. Best Property & Casualty Guide.
Be completed in its entirety and signed.
Please note: Binders are not acceptable.
You must have Commercial General Liability (CGL), Umbrella and/or Excess Liability Insurance coverage with limits of not less than:
- $1,000,000 per occurrence, $1,000,000 in the aggregate for products and completed operations, and $1,000,000 in the general aggregate. Such insurance must include products liability, products/completed operations, bodily injury, personal injury, broad form property damage and broad form contractual coverage.
You may also satisfy the insurance limits by using any combination of Commercial General Liability and Umbrella and/or Excess Liability insurance.
The required Additional Insured wording must be as follows:
", Inc., its affiliates and assignees
are additional insureds, as their interests may appear"
Please mail certificates to the following address: Attn: Risk Management P.O. Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226Or by email:
For a complete list of the insurance requirements, please see the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement.
从2021 年 4 月 5 日开始,卖家在通过批量上传数据、API 或集成商确认发货时,必须提供承运人名称(即即承运人代码字段)。常用的承运人名称有 USPS、UPS 和 FedEx 等。
2、使用批量上传数据或 API 时,在每个订单的发货确认期间提供运营商代码(API的“ CarrierCode”)。如果卖家要选择的承运人不在列表中,可将运营商代码设置为“其他”,然后在承运人名称字段中提供名称(API的“ CarrierName”)。