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2017-10-17 14:37:00
影响物流速度的不可控因素有很多,当买家没有在预期时间内收到物品时,不仅会产生不良的购物体验,还会影响你的eBay卖家表现。因此,如果物流配送出现延误,卖家最好主动告知买家包裹目前的状态。一方面让买家知道你仍然在关心他的包裹,让买家感受到你的真诚服务;另一方面让买家了解是由于海关、气候等客观原因造成包裹运输的延误,不在双方的可控范围之内,从而让买家理解国际货运时间较长。 下面为你提供几种常见的eBay配送延误沟通邮件模板,以帮助你向买家解释“包裹延误”的原因: 1.通用模板 Dear_________, Thank you for purchasing our ________. First of all, please accept our apology for item delaying and you won’t receive the item at the estimated time. Sincerely, we’ve kept monitoring your item from the day it was shipped. But we find out that its current status as ‘Foreign International Dispatch’, which means it requires a few more days on the transits or for customs declaration. Your package can be tracked on the US Customer http://www.usps.com. Sorry again for any inconvenience has been caused to you; please feel free to contact us if there’s anything we can help Best Regards, Seller ID or Seller Name 如果您的买家不是美国买家,以下为其他国家的海关查询网址,您可在邮件中做相应修改: ● CA Customer: http://www.canadapost.ca/Personal/Tools/Track/ItemSingle.aspx ● UK Customer: http://track.royalmail.com (Only show delivery date) ● DE Customer: Call 0049-69-97502140 ● FR Customer: http://www.chronopost.fr/transport-express/livraison-colis/accueil ● Brazil Customer: http://www.correios.com.br/servicos/rastreamento/internacional/default.cfm ● AU Customer: http://ice.auspost.com.au/ 2. 节假日/旺季导致物流延误(如春节、国庆) (一) Dear Customer, Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. China will be observing a public holiday from October 1st through October 7th. As such, all shipping services will be unavailable during this time and may cause a delay in the delivery of your item for several days. We will promptly ship your item when the post office re-opens on October 8th. If you have any concerns, please contact us through eBay message. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Yours Sincerely. the seller ID the seller store URL (二) Dear valued customer, According to the coming Chinese New Year, I would like kindly to remind you that, the package would be delayed during this time. Owning to the New Year’s holiday, the number of shipping package is greatly increasing, while the post office and customs will have holiday off during this time, which directly affect the handling time. We appreciate your understanding and patience. You are also welcome to contact us about more solutions. Yours Sincerely, <your name> 3. 天气等不可抗力因素造成的延误 (一) Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing an item from our store. We are sorry to inform you that the delivery of your item may be delayed due to Hurricane Sandy. We shipped your item (white cotton T-shirt) on Dec.3rd but unfortunately, we were notified by the post office that all parcels will be delayed due to this natural disaster. Your patience is much appreciated. If you have any concerns, please contact us through eBay message so that we can respond promptly. Our thoughts are with you. Yours Sincerely. the seller ID the seller store URL (二) Dear valued customers: We regret to inform you that your item may be delayed on the delivery for the atrocious weather in winter. Owning to the abnormal cold weather, many airlines in our country have been cancelled, and many railways and roads have been closed which directly caused the delivery delayed. We appreciate your understanding and patience. We will keep tracking the package for you, and try our best to offer you any help. You are also welcome to contact us about more solutions. Thanks, Yours Sincerely, 4. 关于加强安检导致物流延误 海关、机场加强安检也是导致物流延误的原因之一,发生这样情况时也务必及时告知买家,并请买家耐心等待: Dear customer, I just got the notice that all packets (from all countries) to US would be subject to stricter screening by the customs. Due to the tightened customs control and screening, the shipping time to US will be longer than normal. We appreciate your understanding and patience. You are also welcomed to contact us for your suggestions and any concerns. Thanks. 5. 航空公司罢工导致货运延误 Dear valued customers: We regret to inform you that your item may be delayed on the delivery for the airline strike in Europe . Owning to this strike, most airlines were canceled and most packages’ handling time in airport in Europe will be much longer than usual. We appreciate your understanding and patience. We will keep tracking the package for you, and try our best to offer you any help. You are also welcome to contact us about more solutions. Thanks, Yours Sincerely,

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