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2021-11-19 19:12:47

2021年7月23日和11月4日,欧洲知识产权局(EUIPO)两度发文,直指程序性虚假陈述(Procedural misrepresentation)和未经许可租借用户专区证书(Unauthorised leasing of User Area credentials)两类违规代理行为。

Procedural misrepresentation

Procedural misrepresentation refers to the bypassing of requirements regarding who can be a legal practitioner or professional representative before the EUIPO. These requirements are laid down in Article 120 of the EU trade mark regulation and Article 78 of the Community design regulation.

程序性虚假陈述是指规避EUIPO关于执业律师或者专业代理人的规定,详见《欧盟商标条例》(EU trade mark regulation, EUTMR)第120条和《共同体外观设计保护条例》(Community design regulation, CDR)第78条。

To prevent abuse, the EUIPO requires representatives to provide evidence of having a real and effective business or employment in the European Economic Area (EEA).
为防止滥用,EUIPO要求代理人提供在欧洲经济区(European Economic Area, EEA)有真实有效的开业或者就业的证据。

       · What is the EEA (European Economic Area)?

       · 什么是欧洲经济区?

        The European Economic Area (EEA) includes the EU Member States and the three European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

        欧洲经济区 (EEA) 包括欧盟成员国和三个欧洲自由贸易联盟 (European Free Trade Association, EFTA) 国家:冰岛、列支敦士登和挪威。

The Office checks:

· when an existing representative requests a second or subsequent ID number;
· on a case-by-case basis where there is reasonable doubt regarding possible misrepresentations (for example where the address is virtual);
· when a third party questions the veracity of the representative’s place of business or employment.
· 现有代理人申请第二个或更多的识别码(ID number);
· 在个案审查中针对可能存在的虚假陈述存在合理怀疑(例如地址虚假);
· 有第三人质疑代理人开业或就业地的真实性。

        ·What is an ID number and where can I find mine?


An ID Number is an identification number allocated to every representative that files an application with the EUIPO. All applications are included in eSearch plus. The Office does not automatically inform its clients of this number (except where it concerns a decision on entry on the list of professional representatives), but will provide it upon request. This number can also be found by consulting any of your files in eSearch plus. In order to be able to assist the Office in identifying you quickly as a client, please use your ID number in all communications with the EUIPO. Please note that by accessing the User Area you can create a Web Account, and once done, you can file an application at the following address using an Advanced form. Once your application has been validated, the system will create an ID number for you.
识别码是EUIPO分配给每个代理人用以递交申请的身份编码。所有申请都显示在eSearch plus数据库中。我局并不自动向用户提供此号码(除非有关进入专业代理人名单的决定),但可依申请提供。此号码可在eSearch plus中所有有关你的文件中找到。为帮助我局快速识别你的用户身份,请在与EUIPO所有通信中使用你的识别码。请注意,进入用户专区,你可以创建一个网络账户,在完成后,你可以使用高级表格递交申请。一旦你的申请生效,系统会为你创建一个识别码。

If the representative fails to submit appropriate evidence or sufficient information, the EUIPO will delete them from the list of professional representatives or the database of legal practitioners.

Third party requests to invalidate an ID or to remove a professional representative from the list must be substantiated and, in all cases, the party concerned will be given the opportunity to be heard before the EUIPO.
Unauthorised leasing of User Area credentials

Some representatives have been leasing their unique User Area credentials to independent third parties, allowing them to interact online with the EUIPO.



These third parties do not operate under the direct control, responsibility or supervision of the authorised representative. They merely act under their identity. By disclosing their User Area credentials, the representatives grant access to all the files and information stored in their User Area to these third parties. This means they may obtain unauthorised access to confidential files and information relating to other represented persons.


In response to this, the Office has updated the Conditions of use of the User Area annex to the Decision of the Executive Director on communication by electronic means. The main changes to the annex reflect the actions the EUIPO will take in the event of a potential prohibited disclosure. These can be found under paragraph 4 ‘Proper use of the user account’ which:

· determines that the responsibility for the proper use of the account and maintenance of confidentiality falls on the account holder;
· 确定账户持有人有责任正确使用账户并维持其机密性;

· defines the ‘prohibited disclosure’ of credentials (the sharing or disclosure by account holders of credentials, passwords or administrative email accounts with any third party, that is, any entity or individual outside its organisation);
· 定义了证书的“禁止性披露”(账户持有人共享或披露其证书、密码或者管理员邮箱账户给第三方,即其组织外的任意实体或个人);

· identifies the steps the EUIPO will take after being made aware (based on evidence) of a potential case of prohibited disclosure (the Office will investigate the relevant facts and invite the account holder to comment);
· 明确EUIPO在获悉(基于证据)可能存在禁止性披露行为后的工作步骤(调查相关事实并邀请账户持有人陈述);

· outlines the consequences and sanctions when prohibited disclosure is deemed to have taken place, which may include:

· 概述禁止性披露行为发生后的后果和制裁,可能包括:

    · the temporary or permanent suspension of the User Area account;
    · asking the account holder to submit authorisations for the parties represented;
    · informing the competent national authorities; and/or
    · informing the competent data protection supervisory authorities.
    · 暂时或永久性冻结该用户专区账户;
    · 要求账户持有人提交被代理人签署的授权书;
    · 通知主管国家局;和/或
    · 通知主管数据保护监管机构。
Q&As of representatives of EUIPO

1.Is an applicant obliged to be represented before the Office?

Anyone can file an application for a European Union trade mark (EUTM) and design (RCD). However, once the EU trade mark application has been filed, any applicant who does not have their domicile or principal place of business or a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment within the EEA (European Economic Area) will have to appoint a representative before or after receiving a formal deficiency letter concerning the lack of representation before the Office.


2. Is a professional representative from the EEA (European Economic Area) entitled to act in both EU trade mark and Community design?
Yes, an EUIPO professional representative from the EEA can act before the EUIPO for trade mark (EUTM) and also community design/RCD proceedings.
3. Who can apply for entry on the list of professional representatives before the Office?
Any natural person who fulfills the following conditions: is a national of one of the Member States of the EEA (European Economic Area); and has his or her place of business or employment in the EEA; and is entitled to represent natural or legal persons in trade mark/design matters before the central industrial property office of a Member State of the EEA. (Note: the central industrial property office does not have to correspond to the place of business or employment. However, it must be within the EEA.
4. Where can I find a representative?

You can search for representatives which domicile is within the EEA ( European Economic Area) in our public database, eSearch plus.  This database provides easy access to information on all types of representatives (associations, employees, lawyers or EUIPO professional representatives), and is updated on a daily basis.


5. What do I have to do if I want to change my representative?
If a new representative has been appointed, he or she can inform the Office in writing that the former representative is no longer acting for the client. No authorisation is required unless the new representative is an employee representative. The change will be confirmed by the Office in writing and publication of the change will follow.
6. We are a large company with a legal department that handles all IP matters, can our legal department be regarded as an association of representatives?
In general, the Office considers that an association of representatives is considered to be valid if it is composed of at least two persons who may act as legal practitioner or professional representative according to Article 120 EUTMR and Article 78 CDR.A legal department will be considered as a valid association if it fulfills this condition. However, please note that in order to avoid confusions, it is preferable that the name of the association differs from the name of the company (e.g. ‘EUIPO Intellectual Property’ instead of ‘EUIPO’). If the entity that manages the IP rights portfolio is independent from the company, the legal name of this entity can be used.


    1. https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/key-user-newsflash/-/asset_publisher/dIGJZDH66W8B/content/procedural-misrepresentation?pk_campaign=keyuser-newsflash-November-2021&pk_kwd=fr

    2. https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/news?p_p_id=csnews_WAR_csnewsportlet&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=2&categoryId=general&journalId=8809960&journalRelatedId=manual/

    3. https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/faq-representation-before-the-office

    4. https://guidelines.euipo.europa.eu/1922895/1925858/trade-mark-guidelines/2-1-id-numbers-and-database-of-representatives


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