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2020-10-30 00:24:55























(1) 我们将停止任何方法使用买方帐户购买我们自己的产品。



(4) 我们将严格禁止在产品详细页面信息,包括标题和描述中对产品的BS排名提出索赔。







(10) 我们永远不会为我们的产品下订单来操纵亚马逊的排名功能,并告诉我们的所有员工在任何时候都不要这样做,并让我们的所有员工学习这一政策。



(1) 我们立即建立了一个部门,负责亚马逊帐户的监控和预防。










(10)我们很好地了解到,从客户那里得到评论的最好的方法是最好的商品、快速的运输和最好的服务。 因此,在未来,我们将更多地关注我们的商品质量;开发更多质量最好的商品。















 我公司做线下业务运营多年.. 我们有巨大的潜力和丰富的工业基础。 所以我们非常有信心在亚马逊平台上做得更好。当我们准备大力扩大日本、加拿大和欧洲亚马逊站的时候。我们对我们的产品非常有信心,所以我们将在亚马逊的仓库准备大量的库存。我们保证准备足够的库存出售。

 我们有巨大的潜力和丰富的工业基础。 所以我们非常有信心在亚马逊平台上做得更好。当我们准备大力扩大日本、加拿大和欧洲亚马逊站时。







Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

Thank in advance for taking the time to read our letter.

We were informed that Amazon has suspended our seller account because we manipulated product reviews.

We are sorry for the violation of Amazon's terms of service. We all know sellers on Amazon must strictly abide by Amazon's rules, so that they can enjoy the selling right on Amazon. It is definitely our fault if we got banned permanently.

We regret for what we did and still hope we can keep our sales right on Amazon, and here we provide the following information for you to check:

We received a letter from a company claiming that they can help to increase our sales a few days ago. Since our company has put focus on product researching and developing for years, thus we are not skilled in operation of Amazon store at all.

And we accepted their cooperation proposal and applied some buyer accounts they provide place some orders.

Here we provide the manipulated orders (all related orders details are attached in the letter):

The fake order quantity is: 11

Contact information of the third-party service company:

Name: BOOM

mobile phone number: +86 13653719288

WeChat ID: zhao13653719288

You can check our chat screenshots and payment screenshots (all attached in the letter).

We have an excellent product, but we tried to promote it with a series of unnecessary and fake orders. This is such a stupid decision. Now we get that focusing on customer experience is a better idea. And this will be our only concern in the future.

First of all, we have two goals. The first goal is to attract much more buyers with discounted prices (in fact, we are not profitable, and we even lost a lot of money with such a price, but the good thing is we get orders and exposure);

The second goal is to get some unbiased comments. We can summarize these comments and improve the quality of our products with comments help, but we didn’t know that it was banned last year.

We would like to express our sincere apology to Amazon, because our negligence caused such serious consequences.

Because our new employees are not familiar with Amazon's rules, and believe in an unreliable company. We really didn't do it on purpose.

 We are very sorry for everything we did to promote the store, and regretful for that. We realized our mistakes. We look forward to your forgiveness, and hope you can give us a chance to correct our mistakes!

We will strictly follow Amazon's policies by taking the following measures:

We will strictly follow the abuse of sales ranking policy and promise not to violate Amazon's sales policy.

(1) We will stop using fake buyer's account to purchase our own products.

 (2) We will strictly prohibit fake orders or fraudulent orders for our products.

 (3) We will strictly prohibit providing compensation to the buyer for purchasing our products, or providing the buyer with promotional offers to improve the sales level

(4) We will strictly prohibit claims on the BS ranking of the product in the product detail page, including the title and description.

(5) To enhance buyer shopping experience, we will provide free product replacement, return and any after-sales supports.

We will check all product lists, if there is an abnormal increase in the number of orders, we will check and prevent any abnormal element immediately.

 (6) We will take priority to monitor our store account, performance indicators and all related fields, and attach importance to and warning and notification letters of our store.

 (7) When we want to get reviews of newly launched products, we will participate in the early reviewer programs.

 (8) We will check all products sold in the near future. If there are any complaints or product problems, we will resolve them in an appropriate way within 12 hours, to safeguard the rights of customers. Besides, we held a meeting with all our employees, and let all employees realize the importance to obey Amazon rules and forbid any forms of fake order to boost business. A document was made before the meeting, announcing anyone who violates this rule will be punished.

 (9) We will reject all third parties who will contact us for increasing orders or review manipulation. Don't give them any chance, we just make better products and provide better services. Even they are top reviewers or foreign friends.

 (10) We will never place orders for our products to manipulate Amazon's ranking function, and tell all our employees not to do this at any time, and let all our employees learn this policy.

 (11) We will never compensate buyers for purchasing our products (including claim codes), we will check the detailed pages of all products to find out if there is any text about compensating buyers for purchasing our products (including claim codes), And delete any text about this, and ask all our employees not to do this at any time, especially when they write letter to the buyer or answer their questions.

In order to provide customers with a better Amazon shopping experience, we have formulated the following plans:

(1) We immediately established a department responsible for the monitoring and prevention of Amazon accounts.

 (2) Check all promotions online, including our own website and other discount websites, and refuse to exchange comments for free or with big promotions. Once we find this, we will stop immediately.

 (3) Check emails every day, including Amazon buyer information, and stop all activities for sending free products for reviews.

 (4) Check each list, if there is an abnormal increase in the number of reviews, we will stop immediately.

Always learn new policies from Amazon to prevent possible violations.

 (5) Make it 100% to ensure vigilant and up-to-date account notification and information requirements. From now on, the monitoring of my account, performance indicators and all related fields will be given priority.

 (6) When we want to get reviews of newly launched products, we will participate in the early reviewer programs.

 (7) We will check all products sold in the near future. If there are any complaints or product problems, we will resolve them in an appropriate way within 12 hours, to safeguard the rights of customers. Besides, we held a meeting with all our employees, and let all employees realize the importance to obey Amazon rules and forbid any forms of fake order to boost business. A document was made before the meeting, announcing anyone who violates this rule will be punished.

8)We will reject all third parties who will contact us for increasing orders or review manipulation. Don't give them any chance, we just make better products and provide better services. Even they are top reviewers or foreign friends.

 (9) We will do our best in terms of product quality and after-sales service to make customers satisfied with us, and then voluntarily leave the review.

 (10) We understand very well that the best way to get reviews from customers is the best products with fast shipping and best service. Therefore, in the future, we will pay more attention to the quality of our products; bring more products with premium quality.

 (11) We will increase our FBA goods, whose shipping will be faster. So the buyers will get better quality goods and services for more positive review, we will abandon our previous methods.

 (12) For our future sales and our new employees training, we will pay more attention on teaching and guide them to comply with Amazon's rules.

 (13) We will pay more attention to our customer service, reply to the questions and solve the product problem we get from customers as soon as possible, and try our best to serve.

 (14) We will never post any comments on any of my social networks. For example, if they give us positive comments, we will give them free Amazon gift cards, or let them buy our products first. Once we see such posts. we will delete these posts and promo codes from social medias.

 (15) We will not ask my friends to leave comments directly on our store in the future, and will tell them to delete their previous comments. And stop letting them invite other friends to comment on my products in the future. All product reviews on my products will strictly abide by Amazon’s policies.

 (16) We will study Amazon's review policy in depth. We are really sorry that we did not thoroughly research it before. In the future, we promise that we will abide by the review policy. If we send free promotional codes to customers, we will ban them right away, We welcome positive and negative feedback, and let our customers disclose the facts.

 (17) We will not allow our staff to manipulate comments.

 (18) We will not promote on other online websites. We will only make LD or BD sales on Amazon to get more comment opportunities.

Most importantly, we will fully study the new Amazon review policy. We feel very guilty that we did not thoroughly study it and missed the policy update on the Amazon platform.

In the future, we promise that we will abide by the review policy, regularly research the policy, prohibit our employees from asking our customers to change reviews, and send promotional codes outside of Amazon.

We know this is not allowed to post a ban on review, so we will never do it.

If we want to increase our reviews, we will make better quality goods and improve our services. Follow Amazon's rules.

We are an ODM seller and have product develop and design capabilities. We aspire to be a professional Amazon seller and build our own product brand. We focus on providing people with a better experience.

   All our products are designed and developed by ourselves. In the past 4 years, we have spent more than 500,000 RMB on the research and development of abrasives and products. Our cooperative factories are also very strong. We insist on factory inspection on the quality of all our products.

 Our company has been doing offline business operations for many years. We have huge potential and a rich industrial base. So we are very confident to do better on the Amazon platform. We are ready to vigorously expand the Amazon sites in Japan, Canada and Europe. We are very confident in our products, so we will prepare a large amount of inventory in Amazon's warehouse. We promise to prepare enough stock for sale.

Since receiving Amazon’s store suspension letter, we have held a very serious meeting and we have made quite strict rules on how to prevent this from happening.

We hope that the above information is sufficient to re-declare our account. Amazon is one of the greatest companies in the world. We very much hope that we can use the Amazon platform for long-term development and become part of a great company.

If you have any other questions, or need us to provide any information to supplement, please let us know. We will reply quickly.

If you do not need any additional information, we will sincerely request you to restore our account as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

Looking forward to your reply.

Salon Shop official

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