Hi XXX, Hope you and your family are doing well and safe. I have been following the news on the coronavirus in your country.(对客户及其家人的健康和处境表示关心) We hope and pray that all is well with you. We are praying that the lives of all those affected would be healthy soon. Regards Your friend ▼ XXX您好 希望您和您的家人一切顺利,平安无事。我一直在关注贵国冠状病毒的新闻。 我们希望并祈祷你们一切都好。我们祈祷所有受影响的人都能早日恢复健康。 问候 你的朋友 Hi XXX, We are sorry to hear that the epidemic is outbreaking in XXX, and hope that you will be all good during this period. We are all one at the fight against the pandemic.(展现同理心) The situation now in our city is much better than two month ago, but we will never forget the help from you when we were in hard times.(告知客户我们目前的情况并对客户之前的问候表示感谢) There are some face masks and sterilization suppliers available in our company.(提供力所能及的帮助) Please let us know if you need them or if we could do anything to help. Best Regards ▼ XXX您好 我们很遗憾听到疫情在XXX爆发,希望大家在此期间一切顺利。 我们是共同抗击疫情的一个整体。 我们城市现在的情况比两个月前好了很多,但我们永远不会忘记你们在我们困难时期对我们的帮助。 本公司有一些口罩和消毒剂供应商。 如果您有需要,请让我们知道,或者我们可以做些什么来帮助您。 最好的祝福 以上案例中包含对客户现况的关心,对已发生的业务进程的说明,以及为客户能提供的力所能及的帮助和祝福。希望你可以做好疫情危机公关,抓住商机避免危机。