2FREE TIME,FREE DEMURRAGE和FREE DETENTION的区别 研究网络进行分析总结之后选取比较准确的参考如下: 1. 货物抵港后集装箱在码头内的免租期:Free Demurrage; 2. 货物抵港后集装箱拖离码头外的免租期:Free Detention; 3. 集装箱推存在码头的免堆期:Free Storage。 其中1,2两项是由船公司决定,因此可向船公司申请。一般情况下,所申请和批复的Freetime = Free Demurrage + Free Detention。正常情况下,在目的港的Free time为7天,申请14天一般船公司都会批,21天难度有点大,除非是稳定客户或船公司在港的柜子多得用不了。很多人并不了解Demurrage和Detention的区别。而Storage则是码头向船公司收取的集装箱堆存费,Free storage的时间取决于码头,而不是船公司。 Demurrage and Detention The demurrage period is calculated form thedate of discharge of full container up until the date the full container is clearedout of port, after deducting the standard free time. The detention period is calculated from thedate the full container is cleared out of port up until the date the container isreturned empty by the consignee to the carriers stack in port。