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2020-02-28 16:57:00

E-commerce in Saudi Arabia faces a large number of challenges that hinder its spread and its growing volume as required, despite all the great efforts made by Saudi Arabia to achieve the widespread of e-commerce and legalize its status.


The challenges facing e-commerce in Saudi Arabia are partly facing e-commerce in general around the world and the other part is exclusively for the Kingdom.


We stressed in previous reports and articles on the official blog of the middle east’s most famous e-commerce platform “ExpandCart” that Saudi Arabia is making strenuous efforts to support the spread of e-commerce, legalize its status and protect the Saudi consumer against any risks or fraud, While shopping online in various online stores in Saudi Arabia.

我们在中东最著名的电子商务平台“ ExpandCart”的官方博客的先前报告和文章中强调,沙特阿拉伯正在做出艰苦的努力,以支持电子商务的传播,使其地位合法化并保护沙特消费者免受任何形式的侵害。风险或欺诈行为,同时在沙特阿拉伯的各种在线商店中购物。

E-commerce in Saudi Arabia


E-commerce in Saudi Arabia enjoys many advantages and continuous development, as e-commerce in its last years has achieved greater spread and expansion among Saudi shoppers.


Saudi Arabia is the leading country in the Arab world and the Middle East after the UAE, in terms of e-commerce volume, with Saudi Arabia accounting for up to 45% of e-commerce in the entire Middle East.


This is a significant percentage that indicates that the online shopping culture is becoming widespread among Saudis, and demonstrates the rapid growth of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia.


Top Challenges Facing E-commerce There


Since its emergence, e-commerce has faced many challenges and obstacles that have nearly destroyed, halted its growth and led to its demise forever, but those challenges have created many solutions that have helped e-commerce reach this scale and widespread, and have become challenges that face much less and weaker than it has since appeared.

自从出现以来,电子商务面临着许多挑战和障碍,这些挑战和障碍几乎被摧毁,停止了增长并导致其永远灭亡,但是这些挑战创造了许多解决方案,这些解决方案帮助电子商务达到了如此规模和广泛程度,并且已经成为 所面临的挑战比自那时以来出现的挑战要少得多和脆弱得多。

During this paragraph, we will review the most prominent of these challenges in Saudi Arabia in particular, namely:


1- Cost of owning an online store.

One of the most effective challenges facing e-commerce in Saudi Arabia is the high cost of owning or creating an online store through which it can sell and make profits for all trade and service providers of all types and forms.


沙特阿拉伯电子商务面临的最有效挑战之一是拥有或创建在线商店的高成本,通过它可以为所有类型的所有贸易和服务提供商销售并获利 和形式。

This has played a major role in disrupting the growth of e-commerce in general in the Arab world and especially in Saudi Arabia, but the emergence of many Arab platforms and companies that provide e-commerce solutions and help all traders in the Arab world to own online stores Professionalism at low cost, helped a lot to alleviate that challenge.


These platforms and companies offer many professional solutions to own an integrated online store and provide all services related to online sales at very low prices and in a quick time, as well as providing free trials for those services and offers.


2- Logistics for shipping products.

One of the main challenges facing the spread of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia is the logistics available in Saudi Arabia. Logistics services provided by shipping companies in the Kingdom are marred by a number of disadvantages, mainly high prices and varying quality defects, which have played a serious role in hindering the growth of e-commerce there as intended.



In this regard, Saudi Arabia is making many efforts to find suitable solutions to this challenge, and this can be done by supporting shipping startups and overburdening them with licensing and imposed costs.


3- Full Arabic language support in online stores.

One of the biggest problems and challenges facing e-commerce in Saudi Arabia is the lack of a large number of solutions that provide e-stores that fully support The Arabic language, which has been a major obstacle to service providers wishing to own Arab stores that serve all Internet shoppers in Saudi Arabia.



As a whole, a number of Arab companies have provided a professional e-commerce platform that fully supports the Arabic language, led by The ExpandCart platform, which considered to be the largest e-commerce company in the Arab world and the middle east.


On this front, it should be noted that ExpandCart also offers control panels in the Online Store in Arabic, making it easier for all Arab businesses and shoppers in all countries of the Arab world.


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4- Payment challenges.

Electronic payment in Saudi Arabia continues to face many challenges that are also hampering the rapid growth and spread of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia.



The challenges of electronic payment in the Kingdom related to the fear of many Saudi shoppers about this way of paying for their purchases, where there is widespread concern among them about the theft of their bank statements and fraud and fraud related to them, so we note that cash payment is the most widespread method in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia so far.

在沙特王国,电子支付面临的挑战与许多沙特阿拉伯购物者对这种购买方式的担忧有关,在这些人中,人们普遍担心银行对账单被盗以及与之相关的欺诈和欺诈行为,因此我们注意到 迄今为止,现金支付是沙特阿拉伯王国中最普遍的支付方式。

The low prevalence of credit cards and restrictions on their electronic use are also part of the challenges facing e-payment in Saudi Arabia, which are also helping to hinder the e-commerce boom in Saudi Arabia.


5- Get products for the online store.

One of the problems and challenges facing a wide range of online stores owners or those wishing to start their e-commerce business in Saudi Arabia is to provide and obtain the products they sell on their stores.



Starting e-commerce requires a specific product that can be sold through an online store and collect profits, so many who want to set up an online store in Saudi Arabia find it very difficult to start because they don’t know how to provide a product for the store.

开始电子商务需要可以通过在线商店出售并获取利润的特定产品,因此许多想在沙特阿拉伯建立在线商店的人发现启动起来非常困难,因为他们不知道如何提供产品 为商店。

One of the problems and challenges facing a wide range of e-store owners or those wishing to start their e-commerce business in Saudi Arabia is to provide and obtain the products they sell on their stores.


Starting e-commerce requires a specific product that can be sold through an online store and collect profits, so many who want to set up an online store in Saudi Arabia find it very difficult to start because they don’t know how to get a product for the store.

开始电子商务需要可以通过在线商店出售并收集利润的特定产品,因此许多想要在沙特阿拉伯建立在线商店的人发现启动起来非常困难,因为他们不知道如何获得产品 为商店。

In order to do so, The ExpandCart platform has provided The Drop-Shiping system, which helps users acquire and sell products from other global platforms, led by The Knawat Platform.

为此,ExpandCart平台提供了Drop-Shiping系统,该系统可帮助用户从以The Knawat Platform为首的其他全球平台上购买和销售产品。

6- Legal challenges and problems.

Legal challenges are among the main obstacles to the growth and prosperity of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia, as many online store owners in Saudi Arabia face a number of legal problems related to the legal conditions of their stores from a commercial register and others. of legal challenges.


挑战是沙特阿拉伯电子商务增长和繁荣的主要障碍之一,因为沙特阿拉伯的许多在线商店所有者都面临着许多与其商店法律条件相关的法律问题 商业登记册和其他。 法律挑战。

Saudi Arabia has therefore made many efforts to address and solve all the legal problems facing e-commerce to drive its drive for growth and prosperity and has entrusted its efforts with the passage of the E-Commerce Regulation Act.


7- Digital Marketing.


Many online store owners and traders believe that owning an online store is the end of the road and that it will immediately start selling and collecting profits without making any additional efforts, but it’s quite different from that belief: reaching out to customers and shoppers need digital marketing efforts.

许多在线商店的所有者和交易员认为,拥有在线商店是道路的尽头,并且它将立即开始销售和收集利润,而无需付出任何额外的努力,但这与这种信念有很大不同:与客户和购物者联系需要数字化 营销工作。

Digital marketing is one of the most important challenges facing e-commerce in Saudi Arabia, so all e-store owners in the Kingdom must pay attention to digital marketing and develop marketing plans and strategies that help to make the online store a success and transform the biggest as many customers as possible to the store.



翻译 By Safari Star News



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